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React js is a library of JavaScript that web developers prefer to use for building interactive components on their websites. But if you do not know what JavaScript or JavaScript library is, this definition of react js may not be helpful. Are you a professional React JS developer? It’s time to get ready for the interview and the React JS interview questions help you in real-time.

Understanding JavaScript

It is a scripting language used for creating and controlling dynamic web content such as animated graphics, interactive forms, and photo slideshows. Have you ever visited a website where you have witnessed things refresh, move, or change without asking you to reload the web page manually? Chances are, it is React js that making it happen. In other words, JavaScript is a very significant coding language used by developers for adding interactive and animated features to web applications or websites.

JavaScript library

Hopefully, you have understood the critical role that JavaScript plays in web development by now. Sometimes, you will require JavaScript to perform iterative functions such as autocomplete search bar features or stock animation effects. If you need to re-code such functions each time they occur, it becomes annoying, and here comes the JavaScript library into the scene. JavaScript libraries like React js store pre-written JavaScript code that you can use to perform common js tasks. It saves you from the time-consuming and needless procedure of coding by hand. JavaScript offers so many libraries and React js is a unique one among them.

Why use React js?

React js is designed to help web developers create user interfaces or UIs. With reference to websites and web applications, UIs are the compilation of search bars, on-screen menus, buttons, and everything else somebody interacts with for using a website or application. Before there was React js, developers used ‘vanilla JavaScript’ or less UI focused predecessors such as ‘jQuery’ to build UIs by hand. That often led to plenty of errors and bugs and longer times for development. Besides offering reusable React library code, cutting down on the risks for coding errors as well as saving development time, Reactjs provides the web developers with two unique features 1) JSX and 2) Virtual DOM.

What is JSX?

The heart of any basic website contains HTML documents. Web browsers show these documents on your device, be it a computer, phone or tablet as web pages by reading them. In the course of this process, web browsers build something known as DOM (document object model) that represents how the page is arranged. Developers can then modify the DOM through languages such as JavaScript, adding dynamic content to their project. JSX stands for JavaScript extension; it allows web developers to make changes in their DOM through easy, HTML style code. And because React js browser support is quite extended, it makes JSX compatible with all the modern browser platforms that developers work with. Using JSX significantly improves development efficiency and finally site performance.

Explaining Virtual DOM

If you do not use React js and JSX, your website uses HTML for updating its DOM. It works well for static, simple websites, however, for dynamic sites involving heavy user interaction, it may become an issue, as the whole DOM requires to reload each time a user clicks any feature calling out for a page refresh. Although, when developers use JSX for manipulating and updating its DOM, Reactjs builds a Virtual DOM. As the name suggests, Virtual DOM is a transcript of the website’s DOM used by React js for seeing what parts of the original DOM require to change when events happen such as the user clicking any button.

Why should you learn React js?

If you see yourself working as a front-end web developer building UIs, then you must consider learning React js. To find success in web development, you need to use the right tools for making your code efficient and useful as much as possible. When it is about developing user interfaces, you must know how you can use React js in the best way.

Build your dream career

You must put sufficient effort to establish your distinct identity in the web development industry. Stay confident when facing an interviewer and equip yourself with ideal answers of frequently asked React js interview questions. Remember that knowledge and dedication both play their parts in securing a dream career. Visit-: Remittance Sol

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